April 28: Watching Thursday-Friday for Rain


A coastal low pressure disturbance will form in the Gulf of Mexico and slowly track up the east coast between tomorrow and Saturday. Current model guidance suggests a close miss out to sea for the heavier precipitation. Fringe-impacts from the NW side of the storm are still likely however, especially for SENJ. Expect overcast skies, light rain showers, and overall damp conditions in the Thursday-Friday time-frame. The most noticeable feature of the system will likely be wind gusts along the shore. For everyone away from the ocean, a nuisance at most.

Here’s the closest the system gets Friday evening on the GFS:

In English: After a beautiful and mild Wednesday, expect a cloudy and damp Thursday-Friday with light rain possible. SENJ has the best chance for rain showers. Expect gusty winds along the coast but nothing crazier than your run-of-the-mill average coastal disturbance. The good news is that Saturday and Sunday are looking dry. I’ll have the weekend outlook posted on Thursday.

Check out our friends at Mid-Atlantic Waterproofing—serving all of New Jersey and the general Mid-Atlantic US with waterproofing, foundation repair and basement dry-out services. With a rainy spring anticipated, it’s probably not a bad idea to schedule a FREE foundation inspection. Be safe! JC

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