Your Weekly Forecast – Mixed & Sunny! (Aug 4-8)

New Jersey weather will be very unsettled for the first half of this week. It might be Thursday before that changes back to drier cooler weather. Tropical impacts from Bertha should be confined to just coastal surf. It’s peak season along the New Jersey barrier islands so please listen to your lifeguards. Thursday-forward looks decent so far. Let’s break it down by day.

Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday all look very similar. Highs will top out in the low to mid 80s with lows dropping as low as the mid-60s. There will be a decent amount of humidity and S/W winds. That means there could be thunderstorms on any afternoon. Bertha will be passing by so you can’t rule out some outer bands hooking up with some energy over land. Total live-casting situation.

Thursday will be a few degrees cooler but noticeably drier. Highs should only reach the lower-80s with overnight lows dipping into the 50s-60s (NWNJ-SENJ). Winds will be out of the NW which will make for a very pleasant feel. As far as I can see, this weather should last through Friday and into the weekend.

So summery Monday-Wednesday with unsettled humidity then magically beautiful Thursday-Friday.

This Monday-Friday Outlook is proudly powered and sponsored by weathertrends360 ( Through 150 years of world wide weather data analysis, weathertrends360 has developed proprietary algorithms and methods that predict weather up to a year with 84% accuracy. They are second to none in the long range so check them out for business planning, travel planning, etc.

Be safe and have a great week! JC

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