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Wet Weekend Expected (Dec 5-7)

Wet Weekend Expected (Dec 5-7)

🕔20:49, 4.Dec 2014

A weak low pressure disturbance will bring rain to most of New Jersey this weekend. The rain should clear by Sunday afternoon-evening as the low pressure disturbance moves off into the ocean. It will then strengthen and interact with another

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Dec 4: Coastal Storm Update

Dec 4: Coastal Storm Update

🕔13:42, 4.Dec 2014

Model guidance continues to spray a wide variety of solutions for the possible coastal storm early next week. The timing now looks like Monday night into possibly Wednesday but again, that can drift up to a day earlier or later

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Dec 4: Thursday NJ Forecast Video

Dec 4: Thursday NJ Forecast Video

🕔09:35, 4.Dec 2014

Watch this Weather Forecast Video covering the weather associated with our region, so you can start your day off right, by knowing what weather awaits you when you walk out your front door! Weather NJ

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Dec 3: Coastal Storm Detected!

Dec 3: Coastal Storm Detected!

🕔11:05, 3.Dec 2014

Model guidance is picking up on a potential coastal storm early next week. Right now, the timing looks like Monday-Tuesday but there is a lot of room for that shift a day earlier or later between now and then. The

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Dec 2: Tuesday NJ Forecast Video

Dec 2: Tuesday NJ Forecast Video

🕔10:04, 2.Dec 2014

Watch this Weather Forecast Video covering the weather associated with our region, so you can start your day off right, by knowing what weather awaits you when you walk out your front door! Weather NJ

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Dec 1: Wintry Precipitation Approaching Northern NJ

Dec 1: Wintry Precipitation Approaching Northern NJ

🕔19:18, 1.Dec 2014

High pressure is currently forcing a cold front southeastward through the region with some precipitation. The cold front will eventually stop and backtrack northwestward as a warm front through tomorrow evening/Wednesday morning. Like tonight, there should be precipitation along that boundary as

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Dec 1: Winter on a Break but Will it Return?

Dec 1: Winter on a Break but Will it Return?

🕔10:29, 1.Dec 2014

Nothing in the weather world among weather freaks, geeks and snow weenies gets them more passionate than the winter and a good old fashioned snowstorm. Now I know for most of humankind who are among the sane nothing probably gets

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Dec 1: Monday NJ Forecast Video

Dec 1: Monday NJ Forecast Video

🕔09:31, 1.Dec 2014

Watch this Weather Forecast Video covering the weather associated with our region, so you can start your day off right, by knowing what weather awaits you when you walk out your front door! Weather NJ

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Seasonably Average Week Expected (Dec 1-5)

Seasonably Average Week Expected (Dec 1-5)

🕔19:47, 30.Nov 2014

With the exception of Tuesday, we’re looking at a seasonably average week for December. Some would even call it mild. Higher elevations of NW New Jersey could see wintry precipitation Tuesday night into Wednesday morning. It looks like rain for all lower elevations.

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NJ Long Range Outlook – Heading into the December Holidays

NJ Long Range Outlook – Heading into the December Holidays

🕔17:08, 30.Nov 2014

It’s time to harness the true power of WeatherTrend360’s proprietary algorithms again as we head into December. First lets break New Jersey into proper climatological regions. We have the upper elevations of NWNJ, the interior coastal plain (SWNJ through CNJ and into NENJ), and

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